8 signs a man is genuinely in love with you, according to psychology

There’s a huge difference between a man being infatuated with you and a man genuinely in love with you.
This difference can be subtle, but understanding it is essential for your peace of mind and happiness. It’s not about obsessing over every word or action, but about recognizing the genuine signs of love.

Understanding these signs is all about applying psychology to everyday actions and behaviors. And as a relationship expert, I can tell you that psychology has some pretty clear indicators when it comes to true love.

In this article, I, Tina Fey, founder of the Love Connection blog, will share with you 8 signs that a man is genuinely in love with you, according to psychology. 

Let’s get started. 

1) He prioritizes you

Psychology tells us that one of the surest signs of genuine love is when a man prioritizes you.

And this isn’t about grand gestures or expensive gifts. It’s about those quiet moments when he shows that he values your needs and wants above his own.

Imagine this. You’re both tired after a long day, and there’s only one slice of pizza left in the box. If he lets you have it without a second thought, that’s a good sign.

Or maybe it’s something as simple as him always ensuring you get home safely late at night, or being there for you when you’re feeling down.

When a man puts your happiness and comfort first, it’s a strong indicator that he’s genuinely in love with you.

But remember, love is not just about sacrifices. It’s also about respect and understanding. So if he respects your boundaries while prioritizing your needs, that’s even better.

Just make sure it’s mutual and not one-sided to avoid any imbalance in the relationship.

2) He listens to you

Listening is a skill, one that not everyone possesses. But when a man is genuinely in love with you, he will prioritize listening to you.

It’s not just about hearing the words you’re saying. It’s about understanding your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

I remember when I was dating my now-husband, I used to talk a lot about my day at work. And even though he doesn’t know much about blogging or relationship counseling, he would always listen attentively and ask thoughtful questions.

That’s what listening is all about – showing interest and trying to understand the other person’s perspective.
As the great Stephen R. Covey once said, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” So if your man listens with the intent to understand, it’s a clear sign that he’s genuinely in love with you.

3) He supports your dreams

When a man is truly in love, he will not only support your dreams but also encourage and inspire you to chase them.

It’s about being your biggest cheerleader and believing in your potential, even when you might doubt yourself.
In my own experience, my husband was the one who encouraged me to write my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship.

At times when I felt overwhelmed, he was there to reassure me and keep me grounded. He believed in my vision, and his support was instrumental in helping me finish the book.

If your man supports your dreams in a similar way, it’s a strong indication that his feelings for you are genuine. Because love is not about holding each other back, but about helping each other grow.

4) He’s not afraid to argue with you

This might seem counterintuitive, but hear me out.
When a man is genuinely in love with you, he won’t shy away from arguments or disagreements.


Now, I’m not talking about destructive or toxic fights. I’m referring to those healthy disagreements that lead to growth and understanding.

You see, when a man truly loves you, he won’t just nod along to everything you say just to keep the peace. He’ll challenge your opinions if he disagrees because he respects you and values your relationship enough to fight for what he believes is right.

The goal of an argument should never be about winning or losing, but about gaining a deeper understanding of each other.


If your man isn’t afraid to argue with you in a respectful way, it’s a sign that his love for you is real. He’s invested in your relationship and wants it to grow stronger through mutual understanding and respect.

5) He includes you in his future plans

When a man is genuinely in love, you won’t just be a part of his present, but also his future.

It’s a wonderful feeling when your partner includes you in their future plans. It shows that they can’t imagine their life without you in it.


I’ll never forget the day when my husband, during our dating phase, casually mentioned how he’d love for us to visit Paris together for our five-year anniversary. It wasn’t a grand statement, just a subtle hint that he saw us together long-term.

When your man starts talking about his future and includes you in it, whether it’s about a dream home, travel plans, or even retirement ideas, it’s a sign he is genuinely in love with you. It means he wants you by his side in the future chapters of his life.

6) He shows vulnerability

Here’s some raw honesty for you: Love isn’t always about the good times. It’s about being there for each other during the bad times too.


When a man is genuinely in love, he won’t be afraid to show his vulnerable side. He won’t shy away from expressing his fears, insecurities, and doubts.

Because when you’re in love, you trust your partner enough to open up and share the parts of yourself that you usually keep hidden.

7) He respects your individuality

True love isn’t about losing yourself in the relationship, but about growing together while respecting each other’s individuality.


When a man is genuinely in love, he won’t try to change you or mold you into someone you’re not. He’ll respect you for who you are, embrace your uniqueness, and celebrate your individuality.

In my own relationship, my husband and I have different interests. He’s into sports, and I’m more of a bookworm. But instead of trying to change each other, we respect and support our individual interests.

As the renowned poet and philosopher Kahlil Gibran wisely said, “Let there be spaces in your togetherness.”


8) He apologizes when he’s wrong

Here’s the raw and honest truth: No one is perfect. We all make mistakes.

But when a man is genuinely in love, he’ll own up to his mistakes and apologize when he’s wrong. He won’t let his ego get in the way of doing what’s right.

It takes a lot of courage and humility to admit when you’re wrong. But it’s a crucial part of any healthy relationship. Because it’s not about being right all the time, but about recognizing your mistakes and learning from them.


If your man can apologize when he’s wrong, it shows not only that he values your relationship more than his ego, but also that his love for you is genuine and profound.


Recognizing genuine love isn’t always straightforward, but psychology gives us some powerful insights. Pay attention to these signs and you’ll be better equipped to distinguish between infatuation and true love.

Remember, every relationship is unique and these signs may manifest differently in different relationships.


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