If you struggle to gain respect from people, say goodbye to these 10 behaviors

It’s not rocket science, but it does require self-awareness. Often, people unknowingly carry out actions that stand in their way of earning respect. The key to flipping the script? Identify and let go of these behaviors. In this piece, I’m going to share with you 10 behaviors you should bid farewell to if you’re having a hard time gaining respect. 1) Being a “yes” person We all know them – those who never say “no”. They agree to everything, even when it inconveniences them. It might seem like a good strategy to be liked or respected. After all, people appreciate a helping hand, right? Well, not always. Constantly saying ‘yes’ can sometimes lead others to perceive you as a pushover. This is because it gives off the impression that you don’t value your own time or commitments. And if you don’t respect your own time, why should others? It’s important to understand when to say ‘no’. This doesn’t mean becoming unhelpful or uncooperative. It’s about setting h...