8 situations in life where the best thing to do is remain silent, according to psychology

Navigating life is a bit like dancing—it’s all about knowing when to step forward and when to take a step back. Or in some cases, when to stay completely still. And by ‘still’, I mean silent. Hi there, I’m Lachlan Brown, founder of Hack Spirit and a mindfulness enthusiast with a strong interest in Buddhism. I’m here to tell you that sometimes, silence is the most powerful statement you can make. Psychology backs this up too. It says there are certain situations where the wisest course of action is to simply hold your tongue and let silence speak volumes. Let’s delve into these 8 situations where it’s best to remain silent. 1) When emotions are running high We’ve all been there. Tensions are rising, voices escalating, and the air is practically humming with emotion. It’s in these instances that psychology urges us to zip it. Why, you ask? Well, because as per research, emotional arousal impairs our ability to process information and make balanced...